Raiding the larder of ideas.

What one family eats, plans to eat, dreams of eating. Plus, other food and kitchen-related stuff from the home of steak-and-potatoes, pie and fresh green beans from the garden.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hello, I must be cooking...

On a fine rainy Sunday afternoon, one's first thoughts are usually for comfort. Naturally, for a woman whose roots are deep in the black soil of Illinois, comfort comes from a working kitchen and a good crowd to enjoy the fruits of one's labor.

Also naturally, our family has accumulated a wide variety of recipes and cookbooks (my own collection is modest -- perhaps a hundred cookbooks, and about the same number of index cards/ pages in notebooks. Mom's is a bit more extensive, especially when one counts the 30-page -- or so -- brand name paperback editions). I've set this page up primarily so that Mom & I can toss out our favorites, as well as recipes we've stumbled across which tempt us beyond reason. If other family members have their faves, we'll be happy to post them, as well. This is intended as a simple outlet and easy-access site for gustatory pleasures, guilty and otherwise.

If, as you wander our site, you have a particular recipe you want to share, please feel free to send one of us an e-mail, & we'll be on it as soon as possible. If you know we have a special recipe you have a sudden need for, let us know, & we'll do our best to post that, as well.

We will post as we see fit -- and not as clothes fit. So. There.

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