Raiding the larder of ideas.

What one family eats, plans to eat, dreams of eating. Plus, other food and kitchen-related stuff from the home of steak-and-potatoes, pie and fresh green beans from the garden.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Velvety Stir-fry Lemon Chicken

No long story or background to waste your time in scrolling past.

Where it may not look wildly colorful, it's madly flavorful. Just toss this together and enjoy a feast.

Velvety Stir-fry Lemon Chicken


1 lb boneless chicken, sliced very thinly and cut into bite-sized squares (I aim for about 2 centimeters square)
1/4 cup minced sweet onion
juice of 1/2 lemon (about 1 – 2 Tablespoons)
about 1/4 cup water (plus more set aside for cooking, if needed)
1/4 teaspoon crushed fresh ginger
1/4 teaspoon crushed garlic
1 egg white, beaten
1/4 cup thinly sliced scallions, mostly the white parts
1 – 2 cups fresh baby bok choi (or your favorite other leafy greens), sliced into ribbons
about 2 tablespoons cooking oil or fat (I used duck fat, but go with what you have & like) for stir-frying
salt and pepper to taste


In a small mixing bowl, combine sliced chicken, sweet onion, lemon juice, water, ginger, and garlic. Stir well, until Set in refrigerator to marinate at least 15 minutes, or up to 3 hours.

In a separate small bowl, beat egg white until frothy. Add to chicken and stir until egg completely distributed over chicken bits.

In a large wok or frying pan on high heat, bring oil to the point where it begins to shimmer. Using your hand or a slotted stirring spoon, scoop out chicken from mixing bowl, leaving any excess liquid behind in the bowl, and toss into hot oil, stirring constantly until chicken is completely cooked but not browned.

Add in the remaining liquid from the bowl, and stir until it simmers and shows signs of thickening (at this point, you may need to add a little extra water to prevent sticking, and to make a little "gravy" to coat your rice).

Stir in scallions and bok choi, and, as soon as the bok choi begins to show signs of wilting, remove from heat.

Serve on your favorite rice.  Serves 2 or 3.

Helpful hint for chicken prep: If you're working with fresh chicken breasts or thighs, pop them into the freezer for about 20 to 30 minutes, to firm the meat up before slicing it. Or, conversely, if you're raiding the freezer for your chicken, allow it to rest on the counter for the same 20 to 30 minutes before slicing.You can consistently get very thin slices this way.

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